Whether you’re an owner of a small to medium sized business or the CEO of a large multi-national company, we all play a role in addressing the childcare crisis. Today’s youngest citizens will comprise your future workforce so it’s critical to make the investments in early childhood education and care.
Over time, your organization will benefit by putting policies and procedures in place today, that will have positive long-term affects with increased retention, improved productivity, and increased profitability.
As an employer you can start by supporting your employees with young children with practices that address the childcare challenges currently face us.
Five Tips to Address Childcare Challenges in Your Business

Provide On-Site Child Care
- Run by the company
- Lease space to a childcare provider
How it Works
- Charge tuition, sliding scales possible to address affordability
- Partner with other local companies to provide childcare

Offset Childcare Costs
- Negotiate discounts on childcare in your area
- Provide subsidies, reimbursements, or payments
- Participate in local innovations such the Tri-Share Model
How it Works
- Develop partnerships with local childcare business owners
- Negotiate special rates for employees
- Contribute up to $5,000 to the cost of each employee’s child before it becomes taxable income (FSAs)

Offer Back-up Emergency Care
How it Works
- Reserve several spots with a local childcare provider for your employees
- Offer each employee a set amount of days/year (usually 10-20-days)
- Partnership (informal and formal) with local childcare providers

Provide Information
- Share childcare resources and referral resources
- Provide information on tac and subsidy eligibility related to children
- Invest in the Employer Resource Network
How it Works
- Identify available local resources and share with employees
- Unpack eligibility requirements and access point to make it accessible

Allow for Flexible Scheduling
How it Works
- Start/end times
- Schedule of breaks/overtime
- The number of days or hours worked per week (e.g., compressed workweek)
- Accruement and use of time
As you consider these options, here are a few questions to guide your actions:
1) Why is this solution a good fit for my business?
2) What resources and connections already exist that support implementing this solution?
3) What resources and connections are needed to implement this solution?
4) Who else should help make this happen?
5) What is my next, best step?
For more information or help getting started, contact Hope Starts Here.
Content shared through a partnership between Pulse and the Policy Equity Group