Our Overview:

In fall 2016, Hope Starts Here launched.
This one-year community engagement process had three goals:


Create a vision of what early childhood could look like in Detroit


Develop a Community Framework to make that vision a reality


Inspire people across the city to get involved and bring that Community Framework to life

Our Values

Our work was guided by four beliefs:

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Every child in Detroit deserves the same chance to grow up and succeed.

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There are great ideas in Detroit, and there are great ideas outside of Detroit. We can and should learn from both.

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Every Detroiter has a role to play in making our city a great place for children. We can all do something.

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Healthy families mean healthy kids, so our work must focus on families, too.

Our People

Everyone has heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” and we truly believe that. Transforming early childhood education in Detroit will take all of us. We extend our deepest appreciation to those who have already taken our call of “all hands on deck” to heart. Check out all the amazing individuals who are championing early childhood education in our community.

Meet The Changemakers

Our Vision:

Detroit will be a city where all children are healthy and thriving, and have high quality experiences that help them grow and develop.

Detroit will be a city where families feel supported raising their kids and use their power to make sure their children have high quality early childhood experiences.

Detroit will be a city where the professionals who care for our children are valued, well-trained and respected.

Detroit will be a city with many high quality spaces and places where children can learn.

Detroit will be a city where everyone understands that the first eight years of a child’s life are important, and that efforts to help our kids help all of us.

Detroit will be a city where the systems that affect early childhood have the funding they need to make an impact, and work with each other to do the most they can do.

The Data

We have teamed up with Data Driven Detroit to examine the early childhood ecosystem through a variety of lenses. Click below to learn about why a focus on Detroit’s youngest residents holds such opportunity. These are the numbers behind countless stories of families and children across the city.

See the Data