Apply before September 9 to obtain funding to help your child care facility.
If you missed the opportunity to apply for the Spring Stabilization Grants, all is not lost. The Michigan Department of Education recently announced Summer Child Care Stabilization Grants would be awarded. The application process opens Tuesday, August 9, and runs through September 9, 2022
Every eligible provider will receive a base award starting at $2,000 for family home providers, $3,000 for group homes, and $4,000 for centers. Grants also include up to $1,000 bonuses for each full-time and part-time staff member.
These grants are another opportunity to help stabilize childcare businesses, expand access to care, lower working families' costs, and support early childhood educators. Even if you applied for and received a grant in the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022, you must submit a separate application for the summer grants and provide a report on how you spent your funding.
Before you apply, we strongly encourage you to
Review the FAQ
Click here to read more about the grant and review frequently asked questions. We will also be posting a grant calculator so you can estimate your grant award.
Attend a Webinar
Each of the three webinar options will contain the same content. Please select the day and time that works best for you to join.