New Summer Professional Development Courses Now Available from the Michigan Registry

The Michigan Registry has added nine new professional development training courses to support challenging behavior and increase social and emotional development. These new courses are offered at no cost and are open for registration.  The new courses include:

Reflective Community of Practice for Child Care Directors

This 6-part course provides an open space for childcare directors to come together with a facilitator to discuss common barriers and solutions, such as integrating back to care during the pandemic. This course is offered:

May 9May 17 July 11

Training of Trainers: Pyramid Model Infant Toddler Practices

This course includes three full days of interactive (virtual) sessions, allowing participants to learn more about the Pyramid Model Infant Toddler content and prepare themselves as facilitators. Following this series, a community practice session (three 1.5 sessions) further supports trainers in using the materials and facilitation efforts. To participate, you must have attended a Pyramid Model Infant Toddler Foundations series facilitated by Mary Mackrain, Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, or another Pyramid Model Infant Toddler series facilitated by a certified trainer.

Register for May CourseRegister for July Course

Training of Trainers: Pyramid Model Preschool Practices

This course includes three full days of interactive (virtual) sessions, which allow participants to learn more about the Pyramid Model Preschool content and prepare themselves as facilitators. Following this series, a community practice session (three 1.5 sessions) further supports trainers in using the materials and facilitation efforts. To participate, you must have attended a Pyramid Model Infant Toddler Foundations series facilitated by Mary Mackrain, Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, or another Pyramid Model Infant Toddler series facilitated by a certified trainer.
Register for May CourseRegister for June Course

Pyramid Model Social-Emotional Training for Preschool Providers

This course is a five-part course produced by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) to provide helpful content and strategies for addressing the social-emotional needs of preschoolers in care settings.

Register Here

Reflective Leadership Skills Series

This 4-hour series offers early childhood program directors and administrators an opportunity to cultivate their leadership development and personal growth. Topics include Resilient Leadership, Wellness, Reflection/Reflective Practice, and Reflective Leaders and Reflective Consultation/Supervision. Together we will discuss, practice, and reflect on evidence-based practices and principles of an impactful, reflective, and compassionate leader.

Register Here

The Michigan Registry proudly supports the Michigan Early Childhood and School-Age workforce members. We are an all-in-one resource for tracking professional development, facilitating training, and growing professionally. We are here to support you. Visit for more information on professional development programming.

Posted on May 2nd, 2022 | View All Posts