Message from the Team – Keeping You Informed

Hope Starts Here’s purpose, mission and values are strategic elements that, when thoughtfully developed and effectively implemented, act as a roadmap toward achieving our goals. They help guide our policy decisions, inspire the community and establish trust.

We cannot achieve success without an informed group of partners and supporters. Many of you have been with us from the beginning, and we must continue that momentum by engaging with new advocates, donors, and policymakers to continue that momentum and engage with new donors, advocates, and policymakers to make our mission a reality.

That said, I want to restate Hope Starts Here’s commitment to communicating on a regular and timely basis. Our team will send more relevant information for the community and stakeholders in a standard and accessible format. Our new strategy involves building more content to keep you informed, educate you on current events or policies, and express our gratitude for our collective work for Detroit’s children.

Look for more communications like this coming soon.

I also ask that you Save the Date for our 2021 Hope Starts Here Annual Summit the week of November 15 -19th. This virtual event will focus on Social Justice and is being co-designed by Detroit families. We will post registration and event details in the coming days.

Thank you for all you do!

Posted on September 30th, 2021 | View All Posts