Six easy things you can do with your children every day to help support their development.

- Giving a thumbs up or a high five.
- Saying, "you can do it!"
- You’re amazing!
- I like the way you think.

- Giving a 20-second hug in the morning and before bed.
- Hugging a child when they’re crying.
- Hugging when they do something nice.

- Asking them questions about what they are playing with.
- Talk about what you will do today.
- Ask them questions about what they are playing with.
- Repeat and respond to what they say.
- Give short, specific directions. For example, "Put the toys back in the blue box."

- Singing a favorite nursey rhyme.
- Creating a song when changing a diaper/using the potty.
- Take turns singing different parts or ask them to listen for specific notes.

- Reading labels on food that you eat.
- Reading books or magazines.
- Read street signs and billboards.
- Write down names and colors and read them.

- Sitting down and playing with toys.
- Playing peek-a-boo with your hands.
- Dance to music or while you sing songs.
- Copy movements like clapping hands or stomping feet.
6-A-Days are simple, effective tools that everyone can use to spark learning everywhere.
These are things that every parent can do to support the well-being of a child.