Business Affiliate Resources

Attract, motivate and retain the best employees! Prioritize early childhood development with family-friendly workplace policies.
Hope Starts Here, Detroit’s Early Childhood Partnership’s mission is to make Detroit a city that puts its children and families first. As a Detroit business, you can do your part in prioritizing early childhood development as a topic both internally and externally with your business affiliate groups.
It’s clear, investing in family-friendly policies improves workforce productivity, and a company’s ability to attract, motivate and retain employees. Today’s children become the workforce of tomorrow.
Every Detroiter and business leader has a role to play in making our city a great place for children. Roll up your sleeves, and let’s get to work.

Find High-Quality Childcare
United Way of Southeastern Michigan is ready to help you find and connect with early child care providers in Detroit who care for children under age 5. The Connect4Care Kids program can help families with young children understand the resources that are available to assist with childcare costs and find the right provider!
Promoting Early Childcare Development
As a Hope Starts Here Champion, we have provided the following resources to get you started promoting early childhood development within your organization. Click the button below to get access to a number of resources to highlight your company's commitment to children.